The Morning Briefing: Shutting Down the Border and Much, Much More

Central American migrants wait for food in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday, March 27, 2019, in a pen erected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to process a surge of migrant families and unaccompanied minors. Earlier, Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, center, announced the the Trump administration will temporarily reassign several hundred border inspectors, during a news conference at the border in El Paso. (AP Photo/Cedar Attanasio)
Good Monday morning.
Here is what's on the president's agenda today:
- The president meets with the Secretary of State
- President Trump has lunch with the Vice President
- The president receives his intelligence briefing
- President Trump participates in the 2019 Prison Reform Summit and First Step Act Celebration
Trump wants to shut down the border
The border is a mess. These migrant caravans keep coming and we don't have the resources to process all the illegal crossings and claims of asylum. Last week, President Trump announced he would shut down the border and ripped into the countries who are assisting the caravans assaulting our borders.
"Mexico is going to have to do something, otherwise I’m closing the border," Trump said. And he is not kidding, according to adviser Kellyanne Conway.
“It certainly isn’t a bluff. You can take the president seriously," she said on "Fox News Sunday," adding, Congress "can fix this."
"Congress can fix the problem of immigration that they’ve failed to fix. This president is looking at the metrics," she said, adding the U.S. has "never seen a surge" in immigration "like this."
Furthermore, Trump is cutting off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras because they are not doing enough top stop these caravans. "And if we're going to give these countries hundreds of millions of dollars, we would like them to do more," Mulvaney told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
The Democrats are "fuming."
Rep. Joaquín Castro (D-Texas), chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, called the move “short-sighted and flawed,” and cautioned that it could inflame what he called a humanitarian crisis at the border. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), vice chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said it was “foreign policy by tweet” and demonstrated Trump’s ignorance of the funds' purpose.
Democrats are claiming Trump doesn't have the authority to withhold funds that have already been contracted so get ready for a fight.
Biden in the crosshairs
Handsy Uncle Joe is taking some heat after a Nevada politician came forward to say Joe creeped on her. People on the right have been pointing out Biden's predisposition for touching lady strangers but the Democrats only picked up on it after they decided to trash due process and use the #metoo gang to beat up on political adversaries.
Say, where do all the Joe detractors stand on Virginia's Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, who was accused of assault? Those allegations disappeared pretty quick because removing Fairfax could have political ramifications for the Democrat party. Make no mistake, this isn't about principle.
Many of the presidential candidates came forward to condemn Biden while Biden disavowed the accusation but stated he was open to "listen respectfully" to it. What does this mean? No idea.
The world's most expensive virtue signal
How much is too much when you want to virtue signal to the world? Not $150M if you are Dick's Sporting Goods. That's how much money the sporting goods chain lost when the CEO "embarked on an escalating series of policies to restrict the chain’s sale of guns, at one point a significant part of the company’s revenue stream." What an idiot.
Not only did the chain make an inventory decision, they made a partnership!
But Stack went so far as to formally collaborate with the Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety and to sign a letter endorsing gun control bills pending on Capitol Hill. His company even retained corporate lobbyists to press Congress for additional gun control.
I'm a gun owner, I shoot sporting clays and I buy ammo, gun cleaner, gun accessories pretty regularly. I will not buy anything at Dick's ever again and apparently I am not alone.
And while anti-gunners insisted they would reward Dick’s with increases in their own business, the same article mentions a new Stanford University study that casts doubt on that premise. According to that research, “Respondents said they were more likely to buy a product to support a CEO’s political stance than they were to boycott in disagreement, but their actions revealed the opposite.” The article continued, “When asked for specific examples, 69 percent could name a product they’d stopped buying, and only 21 percent could recall a product they started buying.”
Hey Dick's, you bought the ticket, now take the ride.
So no more Mueller candles?
For more than two years, we have watched the unhinged left shriek about protecting Mueller. There were protests, there, there were t-shirts, there were candles, there was legislation...all for Bob Mueller. The media successfully mounted a brainwashing campaign to soothe the feeble-minded and convince them that just because their political enemy won the election, he could or would be removed from office based on a ridiculous conspiracy cooked up by the Democrats and executed by the deep state. But now St. Robert Mueller has fallen out of favorbecause he did not deliver on the delusion. Mueller “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election, a Washington Post-Schar School poll found.
It's no surprise that media and politicians invested in this national shared hallucination will not accept Mueller's findings, they have too much at stake. Remind me who the conspiracy theorists are?
Other morsels:
Smart. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez falsely claims Republicans amended Constitution to kick FDR out of office
That was fast. Warren campaign's finance chief stepping down: reports
And that's all I've got, now go beat back the angry mob!