8-Year-Old Christian Refugee from Nigeria Give Thanks to God after Winning Chess Tournament

(Image via GoFundMe)
Did you know that since February, Muslim terrorists in Nigeria have killed over 140 Christians? Did you know that this past Monday, Boko Haram raided the Nigerian town of Michika, killing a yet-to-be-determined number of Christians and forcing residents to flee? If you were already aware of the current genocide of Christians taking place in Nigeria, you most likely didn't hear about it from the MSM. Many in our country are completely oblivious to the ongoing persecution of Nigerian Christians, meaning that many are also probably unaware that an 8-year-old Nigerian boy won a major chess tournament in New York. Oh, by the way, that boy and his family are Christians who fled the persecution taking place in their home country at the hands of Muslim extremists.
Before turning to this wonderful little boy who credits God for his chess victory, a brief overview of the crisis in Nigeria is probably in order. Since the MSM is ignoring what's happening to Christians in the African country, it's up to conservative media outlets to spread the news. To that end, LifeSite reports:
Boko Haram has continued to raid Christians for several years despite Nigerian army efforts and the presence of foreign military advisers. Nigeria is the 12th worst country in the world for persecution of Christians, according to Open Doors USA’s 2019 World Watch List.Besides attacks committed by Boko Haram, Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed thousands of Christians in central Nigeria in 2018.
It's that persecution that caused Tanitoluwa "Tani" Adewumi and his family to flee Nigeria in 2017. Landing in New York City, the Adewumi family applied for asylum on the basis of religious persecution. For the last two years, they have been homeless. Tanitoluwa's success at chess has helped turned the displaced family's fortunes around, though. According to Baptist Press:
Tani's story has gone viral and drawn more than $200,000 through a Go Fund Me page Tani's chess coach established. Hearing of the family's two-year stay in a Manhattan homeless shelter, a donor arranged for the family to move into an apartment.
After winning his age bracket's New York State Primary Chess Championship, Tani said, "It's a wonderful day, because God has made it happen."
Tani is now focused on preparing for the national tournament, which takes place in May. Having only picked up chess a year ago, the young boy undoubtedly has a bright future in the chess world in front of him. It's great that at his young age he desires to give God the glory for his success. Let's pray that God will be pleased to use Tani's success to expose the evil being perpetrated on Christians in Nigeria.